Balance boards
baby rocker-roller 2 in 1 Horse
baby rocker 2 in 1 Pony
baby rocker Crawler
baby rocker Turtle
balance beam – path
balance beam – sensory path Rainbow
balance beam – sensory path Zoo
balance beam – swing
balance board + cork roller
balance board Belgau
balance board cushion
balance board cushion Sweet
balance board Egg
balance board Junior
balance board Labyrinth 3 in 1
balance board Labyrinth Eight
balance board Labyrinth Zigzag
balance board Lama
balance board Lama Max
balance board Lama Safe
balance board Monster Wobble
balance board Profi
balance board with ball
balance board Wobble
balance board Yogo Big
balance shell
balancing disc
balancing disc 4Fizjo
balancing platform
balancing platform – swing 2in1 Lama
balancing platform with ropes
blanket for rockerboard
Balance boards for the home playground
If you want to give your child multifunctional gymnastic equipment, then balance boards and wooden rockers are a fantastic choice! Their phenomenon lies in the extremely simple operation, safety and many developmental benefits. Thus, children of all ages can take advantage of the benefits of body gymnastics!
Balance beam and balance board - mandatory gymnastic equipment
Not every child has to be a professional gymnast, but implementing basic gymnastic exercises brings enormous benefits. Balance boards - in the form of a balance beam or a balancing disc - teach balance, improve coordination and support the accuracy of movements in a child. Their advantages are also evidenced by the fact that they are commonly used in sensory integration and physiotherapy.
Balance boards are made of wood. Such a selection of material means that while walking, the child has a chance to heal their feet and protect them from flat feet. The natural material also evokes pleasant sensory experiences. What's more, exercises on a balance beam or other balance board effectively strengthen the deep and stabilizing muscles, which are responsible for moving the body in space and affect general motor skills.
Balance boards for children - a ready-made idea for good fun
Children learn very effectively through play. This task is facilitated by Profi balance boards, which have been designed in such a way that, on the one hand, they strengthen the stabilizing muscles and teach balance, and on the other, they encourage play. Balance boards can quickly turn into a mini slide, bridge, chair, bed or track for toy cars.
Do you already know what color of the balance board you will choose for your child?